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XJTAG Boundary Scan Solutions

Debug, test and program your electronic circuits quickly and easily by taking advantage of a range of software and hardware products from XJTAG. The products work with industry standard IEEE 1149.x JTAG boundary scan technology, which is embedded in many chips.

By improving your board test and debug process, XJTAG will speed up your design and development as well as providing excellent test coverage in production.


  • Full development environment

    • Develop & debug tests

    • In-system programming setup

    • Test coverage analysis

    • Library of non-JTAG devices

  • Production repair/rework station

    • Real-time, pin-by-pin control of BGA and fine-pitch devices

    • Manufacturing failure diagnosis

    • In-system programming

  • Visual analysis & debug tool

    • Real-time, pin-by-pin control of BGA and fine-pitch devices

    • In-system programming using SVF/STAPL/JAM files

    • Easy 4-step setup wizard

  • Specialised run-time environment

    • Production test

    • In-system programming

    • Schematic Viewer

    • Layout Viewer

  • FPGA-based high-speed flash memory programming through JTAG

    • Up to 50x faster flash programming speeds than with conventional boundary scan


JTAG Boundary Scan Controllers

XJTAG Expert ADF-2

USB JTAG controller + 'scope

  • XJLink2 compatible

  • Built-in digital oscilloscope

  • Waveform & function generator


USB JTAG controller

  • 4 TAPs, multi-voltage

  • Lightweight & portable

  • Configurable JTAG port


PXI JTAG controller

  • XJLink2 compatible

  • Fits into a PXI rack for LabVIEW, LabWindows or test stand integration


4-port version of XJLink2 for volume manufacture testing


XJLink2 integration into SPEA 3030 ICT machines


XJLink2 integration into Keysight (Agilent) i3070 ICT machines

XJLink2-CFM & CFMx

XJLink2 integration into Teradyne TestStation ICT machines


Legacy project support

  • Single TAP, single voltage

  • USB JTAG controller + scope

    • XJLink2 uyumlu 

    • Dahili dijital osiloskop

    • Dalga formu ve fonksiyon oluşturucu

  • USB JTAG controller

    • 4 TAP, çoklu voltaj

    • Hafif ve taşınabilir

    • Yapılandırılabilir JTAG bağlantı noktası

  • PXI JTAG controller

    • XJLink2 uyumlu

    • LabVIEW, LabWindows veya test standı entegrasyonu için bir PXI rafına sığar

  • Hacim üretim testi için XJLink2'nin 4 portlu versiyonu

  • SPEA 3030 ICT makinelerine XJLink2 entegrasyonu

  • Keysight (Agilent) i3070 ICT makinelerine XJLink2 entegrasyonu

  • Teradyne TestStation ICT makinelerine XJLink2 entegrasyonu

  • Legacy project support

    • Tek TAP, tek voltaj

Test Extension Hardware

XJIO Boards

  • A range of digital & analogue I/Os

  • Switches, LEDs, RS232/UART

  • 'Black Box' testing for non-JTAG boards

XJComms Card

  • Test add-on to the XJIO Boards

  • RS485/RS422, CAN, LIN, FlexRay

  • Automotive test applications


  • Reconfigurable FPGA board

  • Supports SPI, IIC, ICSP, SWD.

  • Supports NOR, NAND flash

XJExtender Boards

For connecting a remote DUT to a JTAG controller without signal integrity issues. LVDS, up to 10 m distance.


Galvanic isolation protection between a DUT and a JTAG controller. Can be easily mounted inside a test fixture.

XJXDP Adapter

Intel® XDP header, low impedence. Provides signal matching to improve JTAG performance. Supports non-XDP applications.

 XJLink2-3070 Breakout Board

Allows the XJLink2-3070 to be powered, used and tested outside of a Keysight (Agilent) 3070 ICT machine.

XJTAG Surge Protection Board

Provides safeguards against excessive inrush current, over-current and over-voltage for the Device Under Test (DUT).

    • Bir dizi dijital ve analog I/O 

    • Anahtarlar, LEDler, RS232/UART

    • JTAG olmayan kartlar için "kara kutu" testi

    • XJIO anakartlarına eklentiyi test edin

    • RS485/RS422, CAN, LIN, FlexRay

    • Otomotiv test uygulamaları

    • Yeniden yapılandırılabilir FPGA kartı

    • SPI, IIC, ICSP, SWD'yi destekler

    • NOR, NAND flaşı destekler

  • Uzak bir DUT'yi sinyal bütünlüğü sorunları olmadan bir JTAG denetleyicisine bağlamak için. LVDS, 10 m mesafeye kadar.

  • Bir DUT ve bir JTAG kontrolörü arasında galvanik izolasyon koruması. Bir test fikstürünün içine kolayca monte edilebilir.

  • Intel® XDP başlığı, düşük empedans. JTAG performansını iyileştirmek için sinyal eşleştirme sağlar. XDP  olmayan uygulamaları destekler.

  • XJLink2-3070'in bir Keysight (Agilent) 3070 ICT makinesinin dışında çalıştırılmasına, kullanılmasına ve test edilmesine olanak tanır.

  • Test Edilen Cihaz (DUT) için aşırı ani akım, aşırı akım ve aşırı voltaja karşı koruma sağlar.

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